Contact information update form for the I am, I’ll be survey participants
You are moving soon? Don’t forget to tell us!
If your address has recently changed or will change shortly, let us know as soon as possible so you can keep receiving survey news.
You can notify us of your new address:
1- By Internet
Fill out the form and send it back to us.
2- By regular mail
Print the form, fill it out and mail it to us at the following address:
Institut de la statistique du Québec
Direction des enquêtes longitudinales et sociales
C/O Alexandra Lanthier
1200 McGill college, suite 500
Montréal (QC) H3B 4J8
3- By phone
Call Alexandra Lanthier at 514-873-4749, ext. 6119, or at 1 877 677-2087 (toll-free).