News – Archive
Recent research work carried out by Gabrielle Garon-Carrier and her team based on data from the I am, I’ll be study has been named Discovery of the year 2023 by Québec Science magazine.
Our congratulations to the researcher and her team!Released May 10, 2024
How has the living environment of babies changed over the past 20 years?
The first report on the Growing Up in Québec study, which is the second edition of I am, I’ll be, is now available: Le milieu de vie des bébés (full report in French only). Growing Up in Québec will follow more than 4,000 children born in 2020–2021 until they reach adulthood. The data collected in both studies now makes it possible to compare the reality of two cohorts of children born approximately 25 years apart.
Released May 10, 2024
The I am, I’ll be team is proud to present the publication What are the factors associated with social engagement and non-electoral political participation among young adults born in Québec? (in French only)
Released December 5, 2023
The 2023 data collection is now complete!
Thank you for your participation. Congratulations to all raffle winners!
Released August 14, 2023
Release of L’anxiété chez les jeunes adultes à l’été 2020 au Québec : liens avec certains facteurs mesurés avant et pendant la pandémie de COVID-19
A portrait of anxiety among young Quebecers aged about 22 years and links with certain factors measured before and during the COVID-19 pandemic based on data from I am, I’ll be.
Read the publication (in French only)
Read the highlightsReleased October 8, 2021
How are young adults experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic?
What are the perceptions, experiences and lifestyle habits of 22-year-olds in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic? The answer to this question can be found in the two infographics presented below.
Released December 14, 2020
Released November 19, 2020
The 18th data collection is now complete
The “I am, I'll be” team would like to thank all the participants in the study. We also thank our partners and everyone involved who contributed to the success of this data collection. We wish everyone a great summer!
Released June 09, 2021
The new data collection round has started!
Click on the button on the upper right side of the screen to access the questionnaire.
Released March 01, 2021
Two researchers who have been working on I am, I’ll be for several years received awards!
Michel Boivin, psychologist and professor at the Université Laval, received the Acfas Thérèse Gouin-Décarie Award for social sciences.
For her part, Sylvana Côté, psychologist and professor at the Université de Montréal, was presented the Acfas Adrien-Pouliot Award for scientific cooperation with France.
Released February 02, 2021
The Investigator
Issue 23 of the Investigator is hot off the presses.
Released December 15, 2020
How are young adults experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic?
Have certain lifestyle habits of young adults changed since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic? This infographic, entitled How Has the Use of Cigarettes, Cannabis and Alcohol Changed among Young Adults in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic? (PDF, 0.2 MB), provides a portrait of the use of cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, cannabis and alcohol among young adults in the summer of 2020. It also reports on changes in these habits since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Released December 14, 2020
What are the perceptions and experiences of 22-year-olds in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic? These are illustrated in the infographic Young Adults and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Perceptions of the Situation in the Summer of 2020 (PDF, 0.3 MB).
Released November 19, 2020
Special Round COVID-19
Data collection for the special Round about COVID-19 is complete. The entire team thanks you sincerely for your invaluable cooperation.
Released August 24, 2020
New publication
The latest issue of The Investigator is now available.
Released June 29, 2020
Special Round COVID-19 Questionnaire
The COVID-19 Special Round has started! Click on the button on the upper right side of the screen to access the questionnaire.
Released July 3, 2020
New publication
A new publication on satisfaction with life from I am, I'll be data.
Released December 11, 2019
New publication
A new publication on graduation from I am, I'll be data.
Released December 9, 2019